At FTJF, we are not all secular “therapists” or “counselors.” We are a team of trained prayer-healing ministers offering discernment, healing, deliverance, spiritual direction, and restoration to individuals through personal ministry and spiritual direction in a safe, comfortable environment. When seeking or considering a prayer-healing ministry, you may wonder how it aligns with the maize of the services provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors and secular counselors. Quite simply, the perspective and the remedies used by many of these counselors are viewed and approached quite differently than the approach of the prayer-healing minister. As Christian prayer-healing ministers, we use our God-given authority with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to pray for healing of emotional wounds of the soul, the heart, healing of the physical body and deliverance from demonic forces.
We are not against psychiatrists, psychologists, medical professionals and secular counselors; in fact, we work in collaboration with many of these professionals who desire for their clients to have the spiritual portion of healing available to them. This has been a beneficial relationship both to us, the professionals, and those receiving ministry.
Trust – It is of the utmost importance for the prayer minister to build trust with a person and help him or her receive ministry in a safe environment. There are many causes and factors that hinder a person and affect their relationships, their spirituality, and block their peace and joy. The prayer-healing minister works with the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to resolve the issues that hinder, or block, a person from receiving their healing and blessing. We invite people with these impossible problems and situations to pray with us to receive Jesus Christ in their heart. When a person receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, their spirit is renewed and connected to God. Once the Holy Spirit is working within the heart of a person, they are in a position to understand the reason for their problem and receive supernatural help in resolving their problem and receive healing.
Jesus speaks truth – As the Holy Spirit brings His illumination to the heart of a person regarding a problem, Jesus speaks truth to the heart of the person. When Jesus speaks truth to the person and they receive the truth, healing takes place. The Holy Spirit will bring to the person’s awareness, as well as to the prayer minister’s, the issues, strongholds and flawed beliefs that need to be addressed, as well as the demonic strongholds and entanglements that are blocking the healing process. We work to help the person eliminate false beliefs and dysfunctional patterns of coping, and help them to put into place healthy coping mechanisms from a biblical perspective. This is the bulk of the work done in this type of ministry.
We approach healing and recovery from the perspective of how God created people – God made humans with four basic parts: spirit, soul, heart, body. Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” NKJV
We have witnessed that each of these parts can become wounded or damaged in some way, physically, emotionally or spiritually. Psychology limits itself to the study of the body (soma), and the soul (psyche). Often this point of view does not take into consideration the spiritual part and condition of a person. We understand how demonic forces obtain a legal right to inflict pain or torment on a person and how to eliminate their legal right to the person and make them leave. As Christians, we have been given the right and the commission of Jesus Christ, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to take authority over demonic forces to remove them.
Dysfunctional living patterns – When a person has lived in a dysfunctional lifestyle for years, without outside assistance, that person will usually continue in the same dysfunctional way of life, even after being healed. The minister has the opportunity to help the person put in place new biblical based elements of coping, relating, and living that lead to peace, joy and connection.
God does things in a process, which often takes more time then we like. In the healing and recovery process, the person will have to learn a great deal, as well as, put those fundamentals into practice. The healing process is similar to peeling an onion: healing is done one layer at a time. As each layer is exposed, one usually finds wounds, specific beliefs, thought patterns and emotional issues that need healing and a new perspective. People that have been abused have been sinned against and may come to believe lies about themselves and God. Survivors often have had trust damaged so badly that they have difficulty even trusting those who would help them recover. Victims of abuse may often react in ways that cause problems for themselves and those who encounter them. Rebuilding trust in a safe environment is critical to the healing process. This just adds to the survivor’s stress. Often when a person accepts Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit they are able to begin to work through the healing process. The Holy Spirit is gentle and loving and knows everything that needs to be healed and was sent by God to guide people to the truth, which will set them free.
The healing process can be quite stressful at times. As a person becomes aware of the sources of problems and these sources are explored and understood from an emotional as well as spiritual perspective, they work toward healing. It has been our experience that healing usually consists of many small healings rather than one big healing event. Even when healed, most people will still have many dysfunctional behavioral and thinking patterns that have to be eliminated and replaced with new Godly ways of coping and relating. During the healing process, a person will identify dysfunctional coping strategies and beliefs while learning to put into practice new ways of relating and functioning in line with the Word of God. This process is called “renewing the mind.” This will take time. However with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and a lot of hard work, be assured that a person can get to the source of their problems, eliminate bondages and spiritual torment, and receive healing.
Appointments for personal ministry are made on a first-come, first-served basis, as space is available. If there is no immediate opening, you can request to be put on a waiting list and you will be notified when space is available. We will be happy to discuss your situation with you to determine if we can be of help to you. If you are in a crisis situation, every effort will be made to see you as soon as possible. If it is impossible to see you, we will refer you to a qualified professional. Freedom Thru Jesus does not have any housing facility for those seeking ministry.
The length and frequency of sessions will be determined by your present condition and situation, the complexity of the problems presented, your progress, and if a minister has space available. Our normal hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, depending on the number of people receiving ministry.
In 1999 a training course was established so the lessons learned were passed on to others who could be empowered in ministry, furthering the growth of our vision. The original 33-week training program was established to train and disciple others to carry out this work in their areas of influence. As a result, several have come for supervision of their ministry work. Many of God’s people who have completed the majority of their healing journey have taken the training course to be involved in this type of ministry because of the healing and understanding they have gained in their own healing journey. Over 100 students have graduated, many going on to part-time and full-time ministry. We continually receive testimonies of how this training and material is touching lives around the world.
Training Center - We are currently working on moving many of the lessons into web-based courses focusing on specific areas of prayer-healing ministry. Stay tuned for the updates as we develop these courses.
Webinars/Workshops – We are available to provide seminars, workshops, and conferences. We address and promote a broad spectrum of spiritual dynamics and healing models that we believe to be beneficial to the healing community.
The focus of our sessions can be directed towards:
Care-givers who work with persons coming out of sexual, religious, emotional or ritual abuse, cults, the occult, Satanism, and other forms of bondage.
Individuals looking for spiritual insight and deliverance into the strongholds they are battling in their lives.
Spiritual Warfare Prayers – We provide a collection of the latest spiritual warfare prayers with instructions on how to use these prayers and information on the hindrances that could be encountered when praying with people. We use prayers from many different sources as others have discovered ways to overcome roadblocks to healing and freedom.
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